You know what you need to do? Thats right. Give Zanzibar a big old cuddle, but also, liiiiiiiinnnnnkkkkk meeeee! Spread the citrus, man! If you're a fan of the comic then please put one of these banners up for me? I would give you jelly if you did! Come on! Come on! How can you resist the many buttons my sister has made for me?
If you decide to put a button up (thankyou!), please upload them to your own server. Then copy and paste the code provided onto your webpage and you're all set, baby! (You may want to change the code provided to suit your needs) Please e-mail me if any of this doesn't make sense or doesn't work!


Text Links

Mmmm Lemony...

I <3 Zanzibar


And heres some links to some of my favourite sites! Some of them I'd really like to read but never have time to! *sniffles* :( -

8-but Theater
MegaTokyo >> relax, we understand j00
RPG World